Masterclass in Infrastructure Investment & Finance

8 x two-hour weekly modules, followed by a 4 x hour workshop (9th module only)

Online Webclass

Trainers: Phil Adam, Philippa Eddie, Hugh Fraser, Amaury Gilliot, Axel Jaegle, Peter Jeranyama, Arash Mojabi, Darryl Murphy, Alex Murray, Rachel Nodder, Peter Allcock, Mark Richards, Alex Yew (meet our trainers)

Providing you with the latest and most up to date infra investment & finance knowledge, and practical skills that can integrate into your day-to day responsibilities. Helping you to accelerate your career with greater confidence.

What will you learn?

  • Basic principles of infrastructure finance.
  • Equity investor’s perspective and issues in infrastructure investment.
  • Debt products and issues.
  • Legal structuring and documentation.
  • The use of Regulated Asset Base models.
  • Risks and issues in renewables financing.
  • Corporate financing in infrastructure.
  • Future infrastructure financing models and challenges, including new technologies.

Who should attend?

  • Professionals who want to expand on the foundations of their expertise and keep up to date with the latest developments in infra and energy financing.
  • Those with a predominant focus on the UK and European markets.

CPD verified: 20 points

Course fees

Online Webclass

  • IPFA Member / Public Sector rate: £1,900 + VAT / €2,220
  • Non-Member rate: £2,500 + VAT / €2,920
  • Delegate discounts are available for group bookings.
