Series 1

What advice would you give to your younger self? …Be kinder to yourself? Follow your passion? Embrace your mistakes?

This is a question we ask ourselves a lot. So, we wanted to develop an interview series with industry figures to find out about their life experiences, and how they have shaped their career and the person they are today. And not forgetting the most important question, what advice would they give to their younger selves?

Follow this series as we interview key players from different regions in the industry.


Nick Chism, UK

In conversation with Nick Chism at IPFA.


Sonya Campbell, Australia

In conversation with Sonya Campbell at NSW Treasury.


Audra Low, Singapore

In conversation with Audra Low at Clifford Capital.


Lisa McDermott, Netherlands

In conversation with Lisa McDermott at ABN AMRO.


Suhrita Sen, North America

In conversation with Suhrita Sen at Infrastructure Advisors.


Jochen Magerfleisch, Germany

In conversation with Jochen Magerfleisch at Capcora.


Ali Miraj, UK

In conversation with Ali Miraj at ING Bank.


Helga Van Peer, Belgium

In conversation with Helga Van Peer.


Thomas Kuruvilla, Middle East

In conversation with Thomas Kuruvilla at Arthur D. Little.

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