New Ireland Council Member from PwC

New Ireland Council Member from PwC

We are excited to welcome Aisling Donnelly, Senior Manager at PwC, as the newest member of the IPFA Ireland Council.

Aisling Donnelly is a Senior Manager at PwC Ireland, specializing in energy transition projects. Previously, Aisling held roles in project finance origination and relationship management at Bank of Ireland. A skilled credit analyst, Aisling has a background in risk management, financial analysis, and operations. Aisling holds various professional certifications and diplomas in banking, project management, and financial services. Additionally, Aisling has a strong education background with a BA HONS in European Business Studies & French.

We caught up with Aisling recently to get to know her better:

IPFA – If you could personally change or influence one thing within infrastructure and/or energy, what would it be?

Aisling – If I could change or influence one thing within the energy sector in Ireland, it would be to accelerate the transition to renewable energy sources. This includes increasing investments in renewable energy projects and the supporting infrastructure and enhancing grid infrastructure to support these projects.



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