New North America Future Leaders Network Committee Member from WSP

New North America Future Leaders Network Committee Member from WSP

We are pleased to welcome on board Andrés Giraldo from WSP, as a North America Future Leaders Network Committee Member:

We asked Andrés a couple questions to get to know him a bit better:

Finish the sentence. The future of infrastructure and energy is…

…based on sustainability and efficiency. As the world moves towards a more sustainable and efficient energy landscape, the future of project finance is evolving in the same manner with an increasing consideration of elements such as green bonds, carbon pricing, technological and climate change risks priced in contingency. The development of transportation infrastructure will, under the same basis evolve driven by the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency, considering all possible efforts to bring public transportation to urban areas.

What do you hope to bring to the FLN Committee?

I want to contribute to and be part of ongoing discussions on the projects and provide a diverse viewpoint from my experience in- and outside North America.

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