Building Blocks of a Project – EP 4 | Technical
This webinar series explores the Legal, Insurance, Financial, and Technical perspectives to managing a deal. The fourth and final episode will inform Future Leaders on the role of the Technical Team in concept and delivery. The episode will focus on the different roles and tasks the technical advisors play from project inception to project commissioning (or services availability). By attending, you will acquire specific knowledge from a diverse range of professionals, best practices and project examples relating to the technical aspects of determining the technical solution, packaging and interacting with other advisor team members and bidders.
Morgan Belsher (Moderator), Advisory Territory Sector Leader (UAE) & IDE Practice Lead, Mott MacDonald
Dr. Ibtesam AlBastaki, Investment and Public Private Partnership Director, Dubai Health Authority
Patrick Dominy, Technical Advisory Director, Carew Bennett Consulting
Follow this link to check out the other episodes!